Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my morning's prayer

with every breath.

May the peace of your Great Heart
flow through every cell
of our bodies,

Through our hearts,
to each other
and to everyone we meet,
touch, feel and see.

May your light shine from
our eyes to every soul

An ocean in every drop.

Once again poised at
the edge,
at the beginning.
The Alpha gazing
to the Omega
and walking that infinite bridge
of NOW.

Feeling a mission,
set before us,
so big and vast,
that it is only God's will married to mine,
and to his, that shall bring it to pass.

For so long its been about control.
My ego gripped in the fear box.
That total illusion of being caught,
when the door is so clearly unlocked.

It's time now,
to push open the door
to the infinite
limitless LOVE
that exists, that has has always existed,
and will exist forever
and ever.

Sat Nam

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