Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Terminal Island Prison

This last friday Patrick and I went and taught a workshop at the Federal Correctional Institution at Terminal Island .
It was a really great experience. I was a little nervous before we went, but as we drove there I did a bunch of Breath of Fire and filled my energy field up with alot of prana, so when we got there I felt great. We were met by an amazing friend who works as a drug counselor at the prison in the lobby, and she helped us though security, which was a similar process to the TSA airport routine...I was suprised by how nice the grounds of the prison was, and the salt air was so fresh compared to our sweet downtown smog...
We taught about 40 guys, for a 3 hour class focusing on new beginnings. It was really amazing to see the transformation of the energy in the room as we went along. By the end of class the whole room was so filled with heart centered energy, it was beautiful.. To be with these guys, and see this technology in action in a setting like that, was very powerfully affirming. And the gratitude that was expressed after class made us feel SO appreciated. In a way those guys were my favorite students to teach... I look forward to having a workshop there again soon.

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