Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Everything is a broad term

What do I mean by everything is yoga? Well, you see, when you say the word yoga , people get this idea alot of times that you are talking about stretching and chanting om. This is not what I mean when i say the word yoga. If you have ever read ANYthing about yoga, you probably already know that the word yoga literally means union. The union of you to YOU. That small 'everyday chore of life' self uniting with the 'big picture open heart all here' SELF. Its an actual experience, its something we can all FEEL and KNOW. And it doesn't have to happen in a yoga class or the result of some kind of pretzel position. It can happen with anything you truly love...when you let your small mind become just a part of the grand flow of your experience.
And yet..sometimes it doesnt seem so easy..right?!! For me too (oh if you only knew!). HOWEVER i know that peace - that connection really can be found in anything. For example these Cheetos I am eating right now- I am feeling very united with them. Ok I'm kidding. but not really. Anything you enjoy - anything that brings you IN TO JOY, is a kind of union with something higher in you, to a higher octave of experience. If we can all find those things in our lives- and APPRECIATE ( thats the real key part) them-then we can transform the mundane to sublime within each moment, with just our power to notice it and appreciate..because we know , where attention goes , energy flows...and energy is everything right...which brings me to my next post.... which i promise won't take me 7 months to get to !!!!

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