Sunday, March 2, 2008

Accepting duality

"To struggle against the present moment is to struggle against the whole universe"
Thich Nhat Hanh

During the Vitality and Stress course at Golden Bridge the past two weekends, one of the senior teachers Krishna Kaur quoted this. It struck me as being true on many levels. So often i feel like i am struggling against the present moment, by wanting to go somewhere else, be doing something else, eating something else....or just generally wishing something or someone was different than they ARE. "If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all" (YB) Personally i'd rather live in a world where EVERYTHING is God than NOTHING. I know everything and nothing are just 2 sides of the same coin, and that 0 and 1 are all this binary universe is made of. Duality baby! I can rest in the center of that. My challenge, our challenge is to take that zen into the traffic of the everyday, to even the perceived injustices of the world. To accept it all, but still work and strive for what we value as good and true. It can be right that there is suffering...AND it is right that we want and work to end it.
All that said, Acceptance has been a real theme for me lately. I have this affliction you see, its called being a PERFECTIONIST. I am in recovery, but it still rears its 'perfect' head. I think perfectionism has its roots in basic control issues (which is rooted basically in fear). I know i want to control everything and make it match these expectations i've created in my mind. I feel like as i work to open my heart and my creativity (in a very concrete way using specific kriya's and meditations) I am seeing one word over and over as a theme. ACCEPTANCE, and with that gratitude. for it ALL, because my, don't we learn from all the hard stuff?

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