Thursday, October 30, 2008

Whats up ..

I have the best intentions with this blog, I really do. I have found it exceedingly hard to write anything about Sat Kriya lately, so thats made me drop this little forum all together...not atypical of me either..
Well, I finished 40 days of 62 minutes of Sat Kriya and I could not be more relieved about that!! The whole experience was very very difficult for me. In hindsight i'm not even sure why i pushed myself so hard, but i know it was worth it on a very deep level. Taking out the trash stinks, but i'm glad that its gone! Some of it anyway ;)
I still plan on collecting Sat Kriya stories and experiences and compiling a book on the subject. It is one of the true jewels of this practice, so powerful for the whole system, that it deserves to be looked at and explored thoroughly.
For now however, I am back down to 11 minutes a day. Its interesting how the mind works, because even 11 minutes feels like an eternity now. Isn't that weird? Give your mind an inch, and it wants a mile. Or more like, go from a mile to an inch, and the inch still feels like a mile!!!
Whats getting me really excited right now is the new classes Patrick and I are planning for the yoga loft. My lunch time classes are all going to have themes, such as Stress and Vitality, Yoga for Elevation, Creative Streaming, and my personal favorite, Yoga for Health , Wealth and Everlasting Beauty (working title , hahah). No I'm serious. The master of Kundalini Yoga , Yogi Bhajan, left us with a truly amazing (thousands!) array of kriya's and meditations, that I feel its time to really concentrate and dive deep on certain subjects that the average person really cares about and needs. Why not appeal to our narcissism for the manifestation of something greater (the YOU in you!) ?!
Anyway, stay tuned for more developments, and a new schedule soon. I'll write more soon, I swear ;)!

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