Sunday, November 2, 2008

my new favorite word

We went to Golden Bridge on Halloween for Tej's secret supernatural powers Kundalini class.... we got so high that after class we went to Vons and walked around buying junk food and blabbering like stoned people. We yogis get CRA- ZAY on Halloween yo! She taught a bunch of rare meditations including one that if you master it, gives the ability to travel in your subtle body anywhere, what we know as astral projection I imagine. She brought in so much energy and whipped us so powerfully that i am still feeling my arms especially;) She spoke so beautifully that night about so many things, I wish it had been recorded. Already i feel i have forgotten so much that i had vowed to get down on paper. There is one point she made that I wanted to share here that I did remember though. It has to do with what it means to be a yogi, the true goal. We know yoga means union...being ONE with ALL..., and a yogi by definition means one who is not affected by opposites, by duality. She said that Yogi Bhajan took this definition further, that simply not being affected by duality isn't enough anymore. We must become so strong and peaceful in our energy field, our projection, that our aura amalgamates with whomever we are with to heal and an invisible forklift! That struck me, the word amalgamate gave me a metal picture of what we are after here, and its so beautiful isn't it! We can serve and help others just by radiating our own light...anytime, anywhere, everywhere....

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