Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pouring it out

The name of this blog is fitting to what i certainly need to more of. I've been doing alot of "artery clearing" lately, but also have been filling my arteries of perception with a lot of new information to perceive, to digest. i feel like i've finally reached a maximum fill point in myself...if i dont start pouring some of it out through my own channels i'm going to get clogged....too much of a good thing..

I attended the 2012 conference today in Hollywood. I learned that the staffs of the wizards of ancient times were made of Holly wood. As the dream makers (and paradigm creators and shifters) for the world (movies: telling tales with sound and light), Hollywood is a fitting name...but thats an aside. What i learned today started with the hour delay and then total failure halfway through of the sound and projection of the (very fascinating) movie Time wave 2013. It was going along great unfolding a shamanic Peruvian ritual for healing the world and weaving all kinds of narratives relating to this massive shift we are in the midst of when the movie just stopped and the organizers just had to roll with it. They tried to fix it for a while but then just went on with the line up.

Out came Dr. Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained Anthropologist turned Shaman and his native Incan Shaman mentor from high in the Peruvian Andes(18,000 feet), a leader from a culture that is still pure in their ancestral roots as keepers of the Incan prophecies. He spoke first, in his native tongue and playing his magical flute, then Dr Villoldo translated. Basically he greeted us in a most beautiful way, as brothers and sisters and then told us that we are the ones they've been waiting for... We are the ones we've been waiting for. WE ARE THE ONES WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. i can hear it over and over but sometimes it takes a shaman from the Andes to say it to really hear it. I know for myself that i still regularly catch myself waiting for the "other" every context... always searching out there for something and someone else to lift me up, tell me what, show me, fill me, feed me... and that brings me to a theme that emerged throughout the day: Where are the safe places when civilization as we know it breaks down? THE SAFE PLACE IS INSIDE YOUR OWN HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. There is no safety outside of your Self.

But what does that mean really?

Well, my teacher Harijiwan was the next speaker i had the privilege of hearing on the subject.
Those of you who know him know how funny he is, a pleasure to listen to because he doesnt take himself or any thing too seriously and points out the hilarity and absurdity of life.(I find the wisest ones have the lightest hearts). He got down to business though after treating us all to a rousing Gonging. (G- G force, ONG the creative sound of infinity) How do i sum up his talk? He went from chakras to the Illuminati , spider beings of technology, the atomic bomb, the Sex Pistols and back again. Our DNA are broadcasting and receiving structures, hardware if you will, and this shift of the ages is making available powerful new energies ( software) to assist us in this change. We are moving collectively from living in a 3rd Chakra dominating culture (greed for power) to the realm of the heart, 4th chakra (acceptance,compassion, Love, from 'me to we') .Everything is speeding up because we need to speed up to make this quantum leap. Our choice now is between the only 2 forces in the universe. Will you choose fear or Love? Can we ride the positive current into the future? The only place that is safe in this multidimensional shift is in an aura (yours) that is pure, bright and strong.

He didn't mention Kundalini Yoga at all, but he did lead us in a meditation. After tuning in, we did a short 3 min chant of mamammamamamamamamamammamammamamamammamamama. All 800 (my guess) of us. I don't know that it was called that per se.... but thats what it was, and it felt good. i thought it an interesting choice to be chanting MAmamamma, i hadn't ever before and considering the subject matter i found it to be appropriate to be calling in the heart centered Mother energy.

Anyway, I feel so thankful to have found a technology that teaches us how exactly to create and maintain an Aura (energy field) that is pure bright and strong. I am still working on it, its a daily process, but i can tell you I am a different person now than i was 2 years ago before i started with this whole Kundalini yoga thing. i was so bottled up and boxed in with my own fear and stress and this practice has allowed the Me in me to emerge and she is still emerging. Two years ago at this time i was too scared to step foot in a yoga class and now i am teaching at the same place i was scared of. So fast transformation is possible and real and needed. I encourage all of you reading this (all 2 of you :) to find out what it is that unleashes your own higher Self, that part of you that knows exactly what you are here for and has the guts to do it and BE IT.
I feel like i should go take a bath now but i would like to list out a few other speakers and points i would like to address in later posts, to whet your appetite and to remind me what to for sure go back to and explore.
- the end of the cult of death
- FEAR = False Expectations Appearing Real
-When i'm looking through to your aura the first aura i am looking through is mine
- Schumann resonance (measurable "heartbeat" of the earth) acceleration from 7.something to 12-13 revoluions per second in 20 years.
- Cathedrals as vessels for bringing in and holding higher conciousness
- our myth as the only peoples that were kicked out of the Garden of Eden
- Apple shaped energy field, the torus. (Eve eats the Secret)
-the relation between the Torus and the Rubix cude and Kabbalah and the number 26
-Everything you are about to become is already in your field. (Nietzsche: The Deed creates the Doer)
-the Iron Age to the Golden Age (2012 the null point, wormhole, stargate)
- The perfect allegory of the movie Titanic
-We must live as if its already the end of time.
-Big Bang theory as the "one free miracle"
- The Future of Money by Bernard Lietaer
-Money is an agreement
-USA still controls the "dream machine" of planet earth
-Resting in the unknowing
-the Nag Hammadi

I also will be writing about the incredible Vitality and Stress course i just spent 6 days immersing myself in, and am continuing home study for in the next 3 months.
alot to process. join me wont you.
until next time, thanks for reading and good night!

ps one last thing ..did you know that every single atom of your body is shifted out every 8 months, continously. you are made completely new all the time. Complete change is not only possible but happening.... all the time! Now the question is who will you change yourself into? the YOU in you?!


Jenny Little said...

it is 6:00am and I have been awake for some time watching the wind blow in a huge snow storm. I think that the temperature changed 30 degrees in a couple of hours. I was just watching the winds of change and thinking about how much change is possible in this world. I finally got myself out of bed to practice Sadhana and for some reason I was drawn to check my email. there was nothing in the inbox so I was just doing a brief check of the junk mail because some treasures usually slip in there. There was your email waiting in there! what a pleasure to read. Really thank you so much. we all forget so often that WE are all we need. I TOO AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE FOUND SOMETHING THAT KEEPS MY AURA UP AND running. thank you for always inspiring and challenging. you are the true definition of a friend and teacher!!!!

moongirl said...

hi j -
your post came at the perfect time for me to read! after moving, releasing things from half my life ago...literally(!) and now settling into all of it and wondering what next.
thank you...

Patrick said...

What an awesome view into the conference. I'm sorry I missed it. Thank you for taking the time to share the information. It's really inspiring. Looking forward to hearing about the Vitality course.